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WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO 6 Human needs “ Tony Robbins”

The Motivational speaker and writer Tony Robbins has said that all people with different nationalities and cultures share 6 basic needs. He called them 6 human needs.

We all have the same needs but differ in the way we meet that need and how much we value those needs & those needs are responsible for why we do what we do.

We all have the same needs but we don’t value them equally

Certainty: Survival need

  • Everybody wants stability about their basic necessities
  • Certainty is the need to feel in control and to know what’s coming next so we can feel secure. It’s the need for basic comfort, the need to avoid pain and stress, and also to create pleasure in life, Without certainty, humans would be worried about survival instead of being able to focus on fulfillment.
  • The higher need of certainty the less risk you will take or emotionally Bear


  • People have a need to change their state, to exercise their body and emotions. Therefor they seek variety through a number of means
  • You get Varity by learning, you get Varity through a conversation with a friend and in a -ve ways you can smoke a joint.
  • Some people will want more uncertainty or variety than others. These are usually risk takers, adventure junkies or individuals looking to mix up their lives.


  • We all need to feel Important, Special, Unique or needed
  • Some people will pursue this need by competing with others or by destroying and tearing down those around
  • Others may try to fulfill this need by achieving big goals like earning millions, certifications or through connection with other human beings.
  • This can come in many forms but most people want to feel appreciated at work, home, and in life. They want to feel important, respected, wanted, and unique.

Love and Connection

  • Connection and love is the fourth human need. It’s one that can drastically change how someone acts and behaves on a consistent basis. This is the need to feel togetherness, passion, unity, warmth, desire, and love in our lives.
  • Tony robbins said: Love is the oxygen of life, when we love completely we feel a live and when we lose love the pain is great that most people settle on connection, the crumbs of love
  • You can get that sense of connection or love through friendship or walking in nature or getting a pet

Those 4 needs are needs of the personality:

We all find ways to meet these whether by working harder, coming up with a big problem or creating stories to rationalize them


The other 2 are the need of Spirit: These are more rare- not everyone meets these, when these needs are met we truly fell fulfilled.


  • Everything in the universe is either growing or dying there is no third alternative, People are not spiritually satisfied unless their capacities are expanding.
  • If a relationship is not growing, if a business is not growing it will dying
  • It doesn’t matter how many friends you have, how much money you have or anything else, ultimate fulfillment comes from growth.


  • People cannot be spiritually fulfilled unless they are contributing to others as well.
  • Meaning of life does not come from what you get, it comes from what you give, The secret to living is giving
  • Meaning of life does not come from what you get, it comes from what you give.
  • Humans need to feel like we are giving, donating, leaving our mark, serving, offering, and contributing to others. Humans need this more than most care to admit. I love this quote from Tony about it “Life is really about creating meaning. And meaning does not come from what you get, it comes from what you give. Ultimately it’s not what you get that will make you happy long term, but rather who you become and what you contribute will.”


All human beings are constantly seeking to meet the six human needs but everyone values two more than the rest. For example, your life will be very different if you are searching for certainty vs. uncertainty.

The important thing is to make sure we meet those needs in healthy and positive ways

December 13, 2021

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