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Conflict can have a positive effect, but left unchecked, the dangerous results of conflict can include damaged relationships, destroyed creativity and productivity, lost commitment and wasted resources. By taking a number of conflict management tools, techniques and theories and putting them into practical situations, this Conflict Management workshop aims to turn conflict into a productive force


Identify factors that create conflicts in the workplace. Understand four basic behavioral styles and know how to adjust to each for conflict prevention. Appreciate how cultural and background diversity affect interpretations of situations. Exercise listening skills taught in the
program to improve the chances for open communication. Evaluate conflicts to determine if they can be resolved. Implement a procedure to resolve problems that have viable solutions. Seek third party facilitators when solutions are not readily available. Practice stress-reduction
techniques to maintain focus and balance in their workplace.

Learning Outcome

  • You will feel more confident during all conflict situations.
  • You will get the best possible result from the situation with the minimum fuss, in the shortest possible time.
  • You will avoid all the expense, perils and emotional turmoil of a badly managed conflict situation.
  • You will feel happy to handle conflict situations involving even the most difficult people

Target Audience

This is an ideal course for anyone who is struggling with conflictual relationships at work. You will
learn practical skills for identifying the causes of your conflicts and skills to help you resolve them.

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